School Life
Middle and high school are times of self-discovery
In addition to academic pursuits, the Bosque School community atmosphere challenges students to be passionate and enthusiastic participants and leaders. Students are encouraged to step outside of their comfort zone, take risks and be a part of something new or different.
There are no limits to the number of clubs or activities one student can be a part of at Bosque School. They are encouraged to try a new instrument, lead a service learning group, check out Model UN (in Spanish or English), enter discussions about diversity and equity during monthly coffee house meetings, build a robot, compete in a new sport, and more.
Take leadership and scholarship to the next level in one of the many honor societies and clubs offered at Bosque School. This balanced approach to education allows students to enhance old passions but always be open to discoveries and growth through participation.
Joyful. Energetic. Dynamic. Connected. Inclusive. Engaged. These are the words used to describe the culture and feelings of life at Bosque School.
At Bosque School, every day is full of vibrancy and intention. Students arrive at school to high-energy music as they high-five friends and connect with their advisors before settling into our daily morning meetings. Between classes, sixth graders and their teachers have a daily movement break, laughing with friends and chatting with their teachers as they stretch their legs and clear their minds prior to their next class. Over lunch, upper school students string hammocks between the trees and throw frisbees over the quad while middle schoolers descend on Dr. Barrie’s office for their daily “candy and conversation” before joining a pick-up game of kickball in Sanchez Park. After school, students fan out around campus for robotics and archery, Mock Trial, and soccer practice — and all of this occurs within the structure of a rigorous college preparatory academic program, grounded in small class sizes and personalized relationships, that encourages students to broaden their thinking, explore a variety of passions, be vulnerable in their growth, and deeply engage in their learning.
Bosque School students will tell you that at our school, there is no one way to be.
- We celebrate the Bobcat athletes who train relentlessly and win their races. And we celebrate the teammates who step out of the race to help an injured competitor.
- We celebrate the national merit scholars and graduates who earn advanced degrees at the most selective colleges in the country. And we celebrate our seniors who turn down prestigious college placements and go on to thrive in college programs better aligned with their goals.
- We celebrate a generation of alumni who have started businesses, built professional careers in law and medicine, and become groundbreaking researchers and entrepreneurs. And we celebrate our alumni who have developed lifelong passions for arts, social justice, and music, whether or not they pursued careers in those fields, just as we celebrate those we see giving back to our community.
At Bosque School, you don’t have to be one over the other. Our students are multifaceted and multi-talented, and our community values and supports this. They smoothly transition from the basketball court to the string orchestra to the Judicial Committee. The evidence of accomplishment at Bosque School reflects our intention.
Student Testimonial:
I love how interdisciplinary everyone is. No one’s identity is defined by one single thing, and because of this, our student body is so much more willing to interact with each other and befriend those who aren’t the same as us.Bosque School 12th-Grade Student
My favorite thing about Bosque is the smallness of the school because it gives you more possibilities and opportunities to grow as a person.Bosque School 10th-Grade Student
My favorite experience as a student here at Bosque is all the one-on-one time we have with our teachers. Bosque is not like other high schools where there are 30-40 kids in a class. Bosque is truly the best learning environment
Bosque School 8th-Grade Student
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Day 3 (Blocks B,C,D,A)
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Day 4 (Blocks F,G,H,E)
Major Dates
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