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Bosque School
Bosque School

Bobcat Stories

Novelists at Bosque

Several Bosque School students and faculty participated in National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. Along withwriters around the world, they attempted the incredible challenge of writing an entire novel in one month. Bosque School participants wrote 320,796 total words during the month of November as they banged out their novels and told their stories.

According to the NaNoWriMo criteria, a novel is 50,000 words, which is about 200 pages double-spaced. Also, according to NaNoWriMo, last year, 431,295 people attempted the feat, and only slightly over one percent succeeded. This year, three Bosque sophomores—Hannah Opel, Hannah Mulkey, and Mackenzie Tooley—completed entire novels during the designated time. We are so proud of them and inspired by their creativity, grit, and all-around awesomeness! If you see these writers around, congratulate them on this amazing feat!