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Bosque School
Bosque School

Bobcat Stories

Bobcat Highlight: Dusti P. '26
  • Family Spotlight

What’s your favorite class at Bosque School, and why?

In all seriousness, I enjoy all of my academic and extracurricular classes, but if I really had to pick, it would have to be Choir. Singing has always been a true joy of mine, and getting to sing in a giant group during Cantate brightens any day.


Can you share a memorable project or assignment you’ve worked on and what made it special?


My favorite project I've gotten to work on in high school would have to be the final project for the Forensics immersive I did in sophomore year, a fictional crime-scene diorama. I loved getting to create a physical crime scene small-scale, as well as doing numerous tests to create a believable story and evidence. The immersive as a whole was so enjoyable for me that I'm actually now in the year-long science class for forensics!


What extracurricular activities or clubs are you involved in, and what do you enjoy most about them?


Thespians, Lynx, and Mock Trial are my biggest extracurriculars, from playing a witness in the courthouse, teaching kids science during my free blocks, and acting in both the Mainstage and musical. I've always loved acting and music, which Thespians and Mock Trial include, and teaching is a passion of mine which I fulfill both during my summer job with Horizons Albuquerque and the Lynx club.


Do you have a particular hobby or interest outside of school that you’re passionate about?


When not doing school-related extracurriculars, I'm often doing more community theatre, but the school-run activities I'm in take up most of my free time and are all my true passions.


What’s a book, movie, or TV show you’d recommend to your peers and why?


My favorite book for many years now has been The Search for Wondla, an entertaining science fiction story that fits for so many ages. I originally read it in 5th grade, but it's always stuck with me, and I recently reread it and enjoyed it as much as I remembered.


What would you tell a family who is considering Bosque School?


If something important to you is having a tight community, lots of hands-on and collaborative work, and deep educational conversations in the classroom, Bosque is certainly the place for you. It's got a really solid educational team and selection of classes, as well as lots of electives and extracurriculars that would interest anyone.


What is a family tradition or activity that is really meaningful to you, and why do you think it has been passed down in your family?


Certain recipes have been passed down for a really long time in my family, specifically some festive desserts, and we celebrate every year the same as the last, making it one of my favorite times of the year to connect and enjoy quality family time.


Would you like to add anything else?

I'm totally honored to have been nominated for this position and I have always been determined to work hard in everything I do. Thanks so much!